You Left Me Here

Almost everyone in my family loves Pokémon. Mom, dad, my little brother Jake, almost everyone I know. I grab my gameboy from the shelf and put it onto my lap. As I'm about to try to beat Pokemon Red again, I notice a cartridge on my bed. No cover, no words, just a blank, cartridge.
I didn't find anything wrong with a little cartridge in crappy condition. I just pulled out Red and put the cartridge into the gameboy.
As I turned the gameboy on, instead of the normal intro to a Pokémon game, I just heard a loud beeping sound. "Argh! What the hell is this!?" I yelled. I turned off the game and went downstairs. "It has to be a glitch, It has to be a glitch, it must be." I said to myself.
I went into the kitchen, were Dad is usually discussing what happened to him at work yesterday and mom is making breakfast. I looked in, and was shocked at what I saw. "Hey mom, dad, whats for brea- -"
No one was there. Not even Jake. I went back upstairs and went to his room to see if he was still sleeping. No one. "Damn," I whispered. "where is everyone?" I remembered that it was Saturday and my brother has no school, Dad has no work, and mom just stays home.
I went back to my room, confused. There on the floor sat the gameboy with the strange cartridge. I thought about it for a few minutes before turning it back on and trying to play the messed up game again.
As soon as I turned it back on, I heard the same beeping noise which I was more alert of this time. After 10 seconds, the game just went directly in. My character was a boy, and he had no name. Also, the sprite looked different.
His cap and clothes were grey, and his skin was pale white. My character was inside of Lavender Town, the one from Leaf Green. (Which is how I figured out I was playing a weird version of Leaf Green) I decided to move around. I got to a old woman and talked to her.
She was silent for a few seconds and then started talking. "You... how could you do that to such a poor Pokémon?" She said. I now had three choices, all of them said "I just did." in red text. I picked one, and then a text box appeared. It obviously wasn't the old woman.
"So, you meant to do this horrible thing to me?" it said. I now started to become scared. Before I could react, the escape rope animation appeared and my character warped to Pallet Town. Except, all of the buildings and everything in the town was red. All except my character.
I decided to check my stats. I looked at my Pokémon. A Charizard, a Pikachu, a Pidgeot, and a shiny Zubat. Only, all of the Pokémon except Zubat had a sad expression on their faces. I then looked into my bag, nothing. No Pokéballs, nothing. My bag was completely empty.
Then I checked my character.
He had no name, a sad look on his face, a grey hat, and white pale skin, just like the sprite. It was as if he was dying. He was.
I decided to save. "You cannot save in this area" it said in a text box. Then, another text box appeared. "Get out here and fight!!" it said, but in red text.
"ZUBAT has left the party!" it said. Now in my mind all I could think of saying was "What the hell is going on here?" and shutting the game off, but I was too curious.
Then, a battle began.
"ZUBAT would like to fight!" a text box said. "Go, CHARIZARD!" I checked moves... his only move was "Defense Curl". I picked it, and it just said "CHARIZARD refused to follow orders!"
"What? I have all of the badges, so he should obey!" I yelled.
A text box appeared. "CHARIZARD has left the party!", "PIKACHU has left the party!" "PIDGEOT has left the party!" all of my Pokémon, gone!
"ZUBAT looked at you..." I became confused. "ZUBAT looked at itself..." What is going on here? "ZUBAT smiled..." Then I heard that beeping noise again.
"You left me in this terrible game, you forgot about me, you, you left me here." My eyes widened when I heard Jake scream. "I took him" Then I began to cry. Did the game just kidnap my little brother?
My character appeared in a room, with no way out. "Now I'm leaving you." then I suddenly fell to the ground and... you know.
"ZUBAT used pain split on ____" ...died. "ZUBAT killed itself!"